Sunday, January 9, 2011

I know.. I know...

It's been forever. Don't worry! We are still alive and doing great! Christmas was wonderful! We got to spend Christmas with Doran's family in Weiser, Idaho. If you don't know where that is, don't feel bad, because the people living there barely know it exists. It is about an hour west of Boise. It was very beautiful up there, surrounded by lots of snow! It was great to get our of Provo and spend some time with family. My favorite tradition of theirs is that they go and see a lot of movies on Christmas Eve. so we got to go see Narnia, Tron, and Tangled (a few days later) while we were up there. We had to drive over into Oregon to see the movies, but that was okay. It was a wonderful vacation and so fun to get to know my new family better.
I also got to see my parents on the way up and on the way back. Although I did not get to spend Christmas with them, it was great to see them during the wonderful holiday season.
This past week was our first week back to school. For me, it is my last first week back to school. I'm done in April!! I couldn't be more excited. It is kind crazy to think that I'll be a college graduate in just a couple of months. I have loved school though. I love BYU and I love sociology. I feel so blessed for everything I have been able to accomplish and have the opportunity of doing in the past 4 years.
Yesterday, Doran and I accomplished some projects that I have wanted to get done for a while. I had an old bedspread that I loved and wanted to turn into a headboard, so we did. And we needed to frame a mirror for our bedroom, so we did. Both projects were pretty simple, cheap, and fast (we accomplished both in one day!) I'm pretty proud of the work we did.

Here are the steps we did:

plywood with some supports in the back.

1" Foam so it is soft to lean against. :)

Then covered it in fabric!

And the finished product!! (Sorry the bedspread is kind of messed up)

And here is the mirror. I didn't take pictures of it in the process. Sorry.

So for the next 4 months, this is what we will look like. . .

On our computers doing lots and lots of studying. I will try to post new and exciting things though. We just don't do a lot. But my sister and mom are coming this weekend and my sister is spending the night, so we may have some fun "girl night" picks. Yay! Have a great day!